
Reverse pattern of coal business: weak

In the current industry situation, in the face of the downstream iron and steel enterprises and electric power enterprises, the coal enterprise is weak."Now coal situation reversed, the 45 degree short radius pipe fitting elbows power plant the cash is there, also don't want to use acceptance. Are they beg for us." Mr ShangSun coal trade to the "daily economic news" reporter vomit "bitter".Coal broad consultation center Zhang Zhibin coal analyst told reporters that a strong side in the deal would be willing to take the cash to hand, "take an extra day is a day, and as a buyer, they want to use the first is" white ", followed by acceptance, the last to be willing to give cash."

"On the one hand is the downstream enterprises have no money, on the other hand is coal does not sell now." A coal listed company securities, said ho when answering reporters questions in the black carbon steel butt welded concentric reducer enterprise accounts receivable growth rate close to 190%, the reason is that "during the reporting period, the company's main products adopts the model of credit increase".And the other a local large coal group sales staff told the "daily economic news" reporter, the downstream steel procurement adopt the method of acceptance is common, "with the acceptance mainly users money is tight, in order to alleviate the current funding pressure and a means of deferred payment".

According to cisa statistics, as of the ansi b16.5 forged Slip on flange 300lbs end of June, 86 large and medium-sized steel enterprises total debt has more than 3 trillion yuan, the bank loans of 1.3 trillion yuan, and profit is only 2.2 billion yuan.Chang an energy consultancy, chief analyst at Li Ting also told reporters that the increase of the coal enterprise receivables, main reason for the downstream enterprises should not appear money is tight, but the coal enterprise is at a weak position, "cash to benefits, this may be the reason for the delay payment power plant, because now the coal relatively weak, delay for a period of time, didn't also temper."

"For a few small coal enterprises, credit, if there is a big list collection a month later, cash flow as much." The personage inside course of study to evaluate such accounts receivable for coal enterprises, especially small and medium-sized enterprises.Li Ting said, accounts receivable and increased acceptance is a direct result of the enterprise cash flow problems, some companies may face the risk of capital chain rupture, enterprise reproduction problems.

"We are most reluctant to see some medium-sized coal enterprises because of the accounts receivable can't get, capital turnover behind in bankruptcy, and so on and so forth." Ren Haoning said, "but the current accounts receivable collection period is very difficult to control for coal enterprises."

